National Retriever Championship Blog

2023 National Retriever Championship Blog

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Callbacks to the 6th Series

 43 dogs were called back: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 39,  44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 57, 61, 63, 66, 69, 70, 71, 74, 81 and 83.

18 dogs dropped: 10, 16, 19, 31, 33, 35, 40, 41, 42, 53, 54, 58, 60, 62, 72, 73, 75 and 78

**The 6th Series start dog will be #28**

The 6th Series will be a Land Blind
7:30 am Test Dogs
8:00 am First Running Dog (#28)

Please park on Washburn Lane
Enter from the South, off High Pass Rd.
We will still be at the Duck Central Property.

Good Night Everyone!

5th Series Recap

Tuesday, November 14 – Wednesday, November 15, 2023

5th Series – Water Quad with an Honor

61 Dogs Started the 5th series.

We kicked this series off on Tuesday morning with running the test dogs starting at 7:23 am. The first test dog to run was "Brandy" with handler Missy Bell, and then next up was "Zeiss" with handler Jane Patopea, giving the teams a preview of what they were up against in this big Water Quad test! (Wednesday morning 1 single test dog "Josey" with handler Missy Bell ran to show new conditions for the 2nd day.)

The first running dog on Tuesday was #83 Vinwood's Charlie, “Charlie,” with handler Danny Farmer at 8:17 am.

The weather on both Tuesday and Wednesday was mostly cloudy overcast skies and temps in the mid 50's.  There was drizzle on Wednesday, and winds were very light and variable on both days.

Here is how things turned out for the 5th Series…
No-Bird / Re-Run (14): 1 – 8 – 11 – 12 – 20 – 31 – 41  – 44 – 45 – 51 – 52 – 55 – 62 – 72
Handles (18): 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 11 – 14 – 16 – 33 – 41 – 47 – 55 – 58 – 61 – 71 – 72 – 73 – 74 – 83
Double Handles (0): 
Pick-Ups (9): 10 – 19 – 40 – 42 – 54 – 60 – 62 – 75 – 78
Break (1): 53
Scratches (0):

Our last running dog for this series was a rerun for dog #
62 FC-AFC Giddy Up Go II, “Giddy,” with handler Jason BakerThey had a pick-up and the series was completed Wednesday afternoon at 4:52 pm.

There were 61 dogs sent from the line in this series, taking exactly 16 hours and 42 minutes, which averages out to be a little more than 16 minutes per dog. 

The 5th Series is officially in the books! We will be moving on to the 6th Series tomorrow!

**Callbacks to come**

5th Series Test Complete

  **Series 5 was completed and in the books at 4:52 pm **

Pick-up Rerun 62. FC-AFC GIDDY UP GO II, “Giddy,” BLF, Jason Baker

Giddy and Jason came back to the line for their 2nd rerun at 4:42 pm

F – Scored from first rerun

LR – Right to his bird.

MR – Out deep left and handler attempted to handle, but the dog was picked-up

Rerun Handle 72. FC CALIE’S ARCHIBALD, “Archie,” BLM, Jim Beck

Archie and Jim came back to the line at 4:27 pm

F – Quick work to get his bird.

LR – Wide right bending right to his bird.

MR – Into the area under the arc a few loops over to the bird.

RR – Quick handle to the bird

He moved to the honor box.


Margie and Wayne came to the line at 4:11 pm

F – Right to the bird.

LR – Down the dike and into the water, nice recovery of the bird.

MR – Nice line out, got a little deep but figured it out and came back to the bird.

RR – Nice job for Miss Margie!

She moved to the honor box.

Pick-up 78. FC DIXON’S BRICKHOUSE BURKE, “Burke,” BLM, Rick Stawski

Burke and Rick came to the line at 3:59 pm

F – Hunted for the flyer deep and then made it over to the dog.

LR – Came in to the bird from the right and got it.

RR – Nice job!

MR – Drove a long way out to the right, ...  the dog was picked-up.

He moved to the honor box.

Pick-up 75. FC PIRATE’S SCALLYWAG, “Wagz,” BLM, Jerry Patopea

Wagz and Jerry came to the line at 3:45 pm

F – Perfect mark.

LR – Out to the area way right of the mark turned right and located her mark.

MR – Went wide right and deep. Made a loop twice through the far channel, his pass takes him farther left and into the area of the fall for his bird.

RR – He went out wide right and deep, Jerry attempted to handle him but the dog was picked up.


Ice and Craig came to the line at 3:33 pm

F – Quick retrieve!

LR – came up the left side of the holding blind, looped deep and turned back to get his bird.

MR – Left of the line, he was quickly handled to the bird.

RR – Quick work to the bird.

He moved to the honor box.

Handle 73. FC-AFC GUNSTOCK’S WIN CHESTER, “Chester,” YLM, Danny Farmer

Chester and Danny came to the line at 3:14 pm

F – Good bird!

LR – Swam right to his bird.

MR – Came up from the water on the backside of the point and grabbed his bird.

RR – Extensive hunt in the mound area, Chester looks back to the handler, and is handled to this bird.

He moved to the honor box.

No-Bird 72. FC CALIE’S ARCHIBALD, “Archie,” BLM, Jim Beck

 Archie and Jim came to the line at 3:11 pm and had a No-Bird ... they will be back in 5 ...

No-Bird Rerun 62. FC-AFC GIDDY UP GO II, “Giddy,” BLF, Jason Baker

Giddy and Jason came back to the line at 2:49 pm

F – Extended hunt for the flyer, but she got it.

LR – Out to the area of the fall, but the bird drifted...

Dog will Re-run at the end.


Bella and Hunter came to the line at 2:37 pm

F – Super nice mark!

LR – Bella took the channel to the area, gets her bird and returns the long way around.

MR – Came across the channel, she drove up right to come around and onto the bird.

RR – Line took her left of the desired approach, she was handled to this bird.

She moved to the honor box.


Shelly and Al came to the line at 2:20 pm

F – Got her Flyer quickly

LR – Up under the arc and turned quickly to her bird.

RR – Hunted just below the mound and then a quick hunt to the right of the mound before moving left to grab her bird.

MR – Came out wide left behind the holding blind, and drove past the blind deep a few loops, then she headed right to get her bird.

She moved to the honor box.

Workers Party Photos and Scrapbook from the 5th


Theres a photographer hiding in there!


Tavi and Marcy came to the line at 2:05 pm

F – Entered the field and bent left and deep of the gunners. Worked over and in to recover her bird.

LR – Down the dike and she bails into the water heading left towards her bird. Got it!

MR – Tavi came into the area wide right, but quickly corrected to come around for her Middle bird.

RR – Great momentum, barreling out to the area, she turned and worked the area and found her bird.

She moved to the honor box.

66. FC-AFC RAZOR’S BUCKSHOT, “Shooter,” BLM, Ty Rorem

Shooter and Ty came to the line at 1:48 pm

F – A few loops deep and then worked over to his bird.

LR – Wide right, hunted momentarily, then moved left to his bird.

MR – Beautiful job to his bird.

RR – Drove deep right and then a quick recovery to get his bird.

He moved to the honor box.


Foxx and Lauren came to the line at 1:34 pm

F – Tapping his feet – Foxx was ready to roll! Nice mark on the Flyer.

LR – Down the dike, through the decoys and over to the bird.

MR – Off the island and over to the point with the bird. Very good.

RR – Approaching the area from wide right, looped deep and right, but he recovered and moves into locate his bird.

He moved to the honor box.

No-Bird 62. FC-AFC GIDDY UP GO II, “Giddy,” BLF, Jason Baker

Giddy and Jason came to the line at 1:30 pm and had a No-Bird on their Flyer ... they will be back after 5 ...

Handle 61. FC PVS FRANK THE TANK, “Frank,” BLM, Craig Crook

Frank and Craig came to the line at 1:15 pm

F – Quick hunt to the bird.

LR – Loop and a scoop for a job well done!

MR – Came up behind the holding blind, driving deep, a quick whistle and he was handled to the bird.

RR – Wide left line out, turned right and found his bird nicely.

He moved to the honor box.

Rerun Handle 55. FC-AFC RAZOR’S PRICELESS CUTTING EDGE, “Allie,” BLF, Hunter Street

Allie and Hunter came to the line at 12:58 am

F – Right to the bird.

LR – Right to her bird again!

MR – Came in the backside of the holding blinds, driving deep and needed to be handled to this bird.

RR – Came out going left of the bird, moved right to the mound with a  loop right of the bird and then over to the bird.

She moved to the honor box.

Pick-up 60. FC RENO HIGHTOWER, “Reno,” BLM, Alex Drent

Reno and Alex came to the line at 12:41 pm

F – Hunt to the right of the bird, multiple passes and then he was on it.

LR – Came in under the arc, ran right and then back along the shoreline to scoop up his bird.

RR – Just below the mound he arrived and then splashed back into the channel. Came back around running between the mounds, up to the top of the mound and back down the rear of the mound to hunt right and eventually worked it out.

MR – Over ran the area ... Dog was picked up 

Handle 58. FC-AFC RMR’S WON’T BE STUMPED, “Mugs,” BLM, Kenny Trott

Mugs and Kenny came to the line at 12:27 pm

F – Nice job to his flyer!

LR – Bent in towards the bird, but he just missed it and got up by the holding blind. Looped over and got his bird.

RR – Wide left line out, a bit of a hunt, but he located the bird.

MR – Under the arc on a nice line, got deep and had a quick handle to the bird.

He moved to the honor box.

Rerun 52. FC BAYOU-STAR SNOW MOON, “Luna,” BLF, Danny Farmer

Luna and Danny came back to the line at 12:15 pm

F – Stepped on it!

LR – In from the right and scooped up her bird.

MR – Good line to the area, just a little short and around the back with a splash, then she was back up and onto her bird.

RR – Around the back and between the mounds, hunted right but worked her way to the bird and got it!

She moved to the honor box.

Rerun 51. FC BEN’S POPPY LEE, “Poppy,” BLF, Jim Beck

Poppy and Jim came back to the line at 12:00 pm

F – Good Job!

LR – A quick drag back circle, then she was on the bird.

MR – Right to her bird.

RR – Quick work to get her bird. Nice!

She moved to the honor box.


Zoey and Ty came to the line at 11:43 am

F – Very Nice.

LR – Down the dike and into the channel, left on the bank and to the bird.

MR – Nice job!

RR – Good line out, running left along the base of the mound. She moved along the backside to the top of the mound and found her bird.

She moved to the honor box.

No-Bird 55. FC-AFC RAZOR’S PRICELESS CUTTING EDGE, “Allie,” BLF, Hunter Street

Allie and Hunter came to the line at 11:38 am and had a No-Bird ... they will be back after 5 ...

UpClose Photography

A huge thank you to our Official Photographer Mark Atwater – UpClose Photography! His photos are always breathtaking, and he captures these National Events beautifully every time! The 2023 National Open is no exception and even though Mark is still on the mend, he is doing a wonderful job photographing this historical event!

Please tell him THANK YOU if you get a chance, and visit his website to order portraits and view his work.

**Stay Tuned for an Event Special coming for ordering photos!**

Thanks Mark!

Enjoy these gorgeous photos taken by Mark at this event ...

#8 - 5th Series

#18 - 5th Series

#26 - 5th Series

#41 - 3rd Series

#42 - 3rd Series

#43 - 3rd Series

#49 - 3rd Series

#66 - 1st Series

#70 - 1st Series

1st Series Gunners

1st Series

Pick-up 54. FC-AFC BULLET’S ORDAINED DEVIL DODGER, “Deacon,” BLM, Tim Milligan

Deacon and Tim came to the line at 11:12 am

F – Very Nice

LR – Through the second channel Deacon hit the shoreline and turned to grab his bird.

RR – Came into the area right and ran deep, splashed through the channel behind the mound, made a few passes, but wasn't finding it, handler helped out but the dog was picked up.

Break 53. FC-AFC HOCKLEY CREEK’S SWITCH HITTER, “Mickey,” BLM, Robby Bickley

Mickey and Robby came to the line at 11:09 am

Dog Broke after the Flyer was shot ...

No-Bird 52. FC BAYOU-STAR SNOW MOON, “Luna,” BLF, Danny Farmer

Luna and Danny came to the line at 11:05 am and had a No-Bird on the Flyer... they will be back after 5 ...

No-Bird 51. FC BEN’S POPPY LEE, “Poppy,” BLF, Jim Beck

Poppy and Jim came to the line at 11:01 am and had a No-Bird on the Flyer ... they will be back after 5...


Peanut and Andrew came to the line at 10:50 am

F – Perfect line, right to the bird.

LR – Ran down to the channel with a nice jump in, swam over and got her bird.

MR – Very nice!

RR – Arrived right around the back with a splash, she worked her way to the bird for a very good mark. Well done.

She moved to the honor box.

Rerun 45. FC-AFC FLAWLESS EXECUTION - FLEX, “Flex,” BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Flex and Johnny came back to the line at 10:37 am

F – Under the arc. A few loops and he has his bird.

LR – Right to the bird.

MR – Nice line out going under the arc, tight hunt between the holding blind and bird

RR – Out just right of the blind and went right to the bird.

He moved to the honor box.


Doc and Al came back to the line at 10:24 am

F – Very nice mark!

LR – Down the channel and grabbed his bird.

RR –  Came in right, a splash left and he had his bird.

MR – Very nice!

He moved to the honor box. 

49. FC-AFC TRUMARC’S WEST POINT, “Army,” BLM, Sylvia McClure

Army and Sylvia came to the line at 10:13 am

F – Out under the arc for a loop and to the bird

LR – Quick work of this bird!

MR – Beautiful line out, he just missed the bird! Got a little deep, and had a quick hunt to find the bird.

RR – Nice line to the area, a quick loop deep and he got his bird.

He moved to the honor box.

Rerun Handle 41. FC-AFC HIGH DESERT MORNING, “Glory,” BLF, Kenny Trott

Glory and Kenny came back to the line at 9:56 am

F – Hunted left and a couple loops deep but she got her bird.

LR – Went out wide left and was handled to this bird.

RR – Wide left line and then deep, but came back to the area for the bird.

MR – Glory ended up deep and hunted her way back to the bird.

She moved to the honor box.

48. FC OUTBACK’S RISING STAR, “Champ,” BLM, Steve Yozamp

Champ and Steve came to the line at 9:42 am

F – Nicely to his bird.

LR – Nice line to this bird, out under the arc up onto land and then over to his bird.

MR – Wide right and deep, looping left and then in the water to the bird.

RR – Nice line to the bird, a few loops and he has it!

He moved to the honor box.

Handle 47. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, “Madduxx,” BLM, Craig Crook

Madduxx and Craig came to the line at 9:21 am

F – Very good!

LR – Out by the blind and over to his bird.

MR – Drove past the bird and into the channel deep, had to be handled to this bird.

RR – Good line out, but veered left and deep, worked his way back in and to the bird.

He moved to the honor box.

No-Bird 45. FC-AFC FLAWLESS EXECUTION - FLEX, “Flex,” BLM, Johnny Armstrong

 Flex and Johnny came to the line and had a No-Bird on the Flyer ... they will be back after 5 ...


Doc and Al came to the line and had a No-Bird on the Flyer ... they will be back after 5 ...

Pick-up 42. FC FLYWAY’S THE SAY HEY KID QA2, “Willie,” BLM, Luann Pleasant

Willie and Luann came to the line at 8:53 am

F – Right to his bird.

LR – Wide left line out took him behind the guns, took a couple loops around and located his bird.

MR – Wide left line, had an extended hunt, but he got his bird.

RR – Wide right line, was handled and then helped to the bird. Dog is picked up.

He moved to the honor box.

No-Bird 41. FC-AFC HIGH DESERT MORNING, “Glory,” BLF, Kenny Trott

Glory and Kenny came to the line at 8:51 am and had a No-Bird on the Flyer...they will be back after 5 ...


Otis and Clint came to the line at 8:33 am

F – Good job!

MR – Got the bird!

LR – He knew right where it was and got his bird.

RR – Otis was helped out to this bird. Dog is picked up.

He will honor on lead.

PRTA Announcement

Thank you to our members who helped to organize our trials to generate funds we can return to the game! And a big thank you to our Sponsors for their support!

PRTA has awarded the 2023 Land Grants to the following:
  • Wisconsin Amateur Field Trial Club
  • Oregon Retriever Trial Club
  • Idaho Retriever Club
  • River King Retriever Club
  • Steve Ferguson Memorial Retriever Grounds


After Dog 47, Handlers who haven't been to the line will have a 5 minute viewing of the test.

There will be a gun change after #54. 


Raider and Ty came to the line at 8:12 am

F – Nice mark.

LR – Raider got his bird!

RR – Tight hunt and then he was on to his bird.

MR – Got the bird!

He moved to the honor box.

Rerun 35. FC MEADOW WOODS WHISPERING WILLOW, “Willow,” YLF, Danny Farmer

Willow and Danny came back to the line at 7:58 am

F – Nice Job!

LR – Around the back of the gunners and onto the bird.

MR – Got it!

RR – Nice bird!

He moved to the honor box.

Rerun 31. FC DAYS END BOY NAME SUE QA2, “Sue,” BLM, Andrew Curtis

Sue and Andrew came back to the line at 7:45 am

F – Got the bird.

LR – He got his bird without much trouble again.

MR – Swam to the backside of the point and was out of the water to scoop up the bird.

RR – Right to the bird and got it.

He moved to the honor box.

5th Series Test Dog – Day 2

FC-AFC Joe Panik, “Josey” LF
Owner: Missy Bell, Novato, CA
Handler: Missy Bell

The single test dog to the line for the 2nd day of the 5th Series was Josie with handler Missy Bell.
Josey and Missy came to the line at 7:16 am

F – Right to the bird

LR – A tight hunt and she got it.

MR – Swam around the land area with the bird on it, but then she was up and out and she located her bird.

RR – Out and back in with the bird.

She moved to the honor box upon return of her last bird.

Good Morning!

 Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to day #5 of the 2023 National Retriever Championship! 

This morning we are finishing up the 5th Series, and then we will be moving on to the 6th!

This morning it is a brisk 45 degrees and drizzling. The rain should be stopping soon, and the high temperature will climb up to about 56 degrees this afternoon, with a very slight breeze at most. There is a fog threatening on the perimeter, hopefully it stays at bay!

Good Luck to all of the teams running Today!